Skip to main contentThe eight-spoked wheel of Dharma, with a graphic representation of a lotus at its center.

A ‘good life’ is one we can feel good about because of the way we’re living it.

Master Shinjo Ito

About Shinnyo-en

Resources to move you forward in your spiritual journey through everyday life.

Her Holiness, in bright orange and white robes, rings a ritual hand bell in front of a open fire with an expression of deep concentration.

Video Library

Videos of Shinnyo‑en ceremonies and inspirational programs

Explore a selection of videos of Shinnyo‑en services, lantern floating events, interfaith collaborations, and inspiring programs from affiliated organizations.

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Shinjo, with sculpting implements in hand, wearing a smock over his clothing, stands sculpting a very large bust of a smiling buddha.

The Art of Shinjo Ito

Photographs of the lives and works of the teachers of Shinnyo‑en throughout the years

Browse a collection of photographs that document services and events and the lives of Shinnyo‑en founders Masters Shinjo and Tomoji Ito, Her Holiness Shinso Ito, and the life of the community through the years.

Visit the gallery
Her Holiness, facing away in lay dress, holds a microphone as she speaks to a room of people seated in meditation.

Meditation Tools

Audio and video supports for your meditation practice

Draw on recordings that guide you through meditations or videos of tranquil natural scenery that help calm the mind as you practice.

Discover the tools
A volume of the Buddhist Canon sits opened to a page filled with vertical rows of Chinese characters.

Basics of Buddhism

The Shinnyo teachings within the framework of Buddhism at large

Who was the Buddha? What did he teach? Which of his teachings does Shinnyo‑en base its teachings and practice on? Learn here how the teachings of Shinnyo‑en founded by Masters Shinjo and Tomoji Ito fit within the scope of Buddhism at large.

Explore the basics
Three Buddhist priests in yellow robes, wearing green and blue kesa, and with knotted cords over their left shoulders, stand with hands folded in prayer facing left.

FAQ and Glossary

Answers to frequently asked questions and definitions of commonly used Buddhist terms

Consult a list of answers to frequently asked questions and explanations of Japanese and Buddhist terms and concepts as used in Shinnyo‑en.

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