Watercolor illustration of clouds
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Our human challenge

June 19, 2020

A simple lantern of paper with a wooden base with a written message reading “World Peace and Love” can be seen, floats in a still body of water, causing ripples.

Tokyo, JP / New York, NY

The Shinnyo‑en community, at its core, exists to hold space for all people to discover and awaken the inherent goodness within themselves.

Working with diverse communities, we see, acknowledge, and are saddened by the deep suffering inflicted on communities of color due to racism in all its forms. Racism has no place nor should ever hold space in our societies, ever.

We respect that many people will respond to the gravity of this moment in their own unique and diverse ways. Individual acts guided by a heart of compassion and wisdom can forge powerful spaces from which to move toward collective healing. We stand in solidarity with any and all who help to find a way for goodness to breathe freely in the world.

Shinnyo‑en’s core values of inclusivity, without distinction between friend and foe, and universal liberation from suffering encourage us to strive toward building a culture of “we,” rather than a dynamic of “us versus them.”  We remain dedicated to fostering harmony, empathic listening, collaborative community-building, and embodied acts of authentic care that contribute to a world of both equity and equanimity for all.

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